7 Useful Array Methods in JavaScript

If you are working with JavaScript you probably use Arrays a lot. In this post I compiled a list of the most useful array methods, that can save you time and your code will look cleaner and more readable.

1. forEach

This one is the most popular method. Instead of doing for or while loops to iterate through all elements of an array we can call the forEach() method. The forEach() method accepts function as a parameter and calls this function once for each element in the array, in order.

forEach() method has the following syntax:

currentValue – the value of the current element

index – the array index of the current element

arr – the array itself

Last two parameters (index and arr) are optional.

2. Map

The map() method creates a new array by mapping each value of the original array through a transformation function. The map() method does not change the original array.

For example, we have an array of numbers and we would like to square all elements of the array. For this purpose we can use the map() method:

One more example. We want to create a new array by transforming items of the original array to objects with properties  id, name and category:

Map method created a new array, that we stored in mappedLanguageList variable, but it did not update the original array.

map() method has the following syntax:

currentValue – the value of the current element

index – the array index of the current element

arr – the array itself

Last two parameters (index and arr) are optional.

3. Find

If you would like to find an item in an array that matches specific condition you could use find() method. The find() method looks through each element of the array and returns the first one that passes the test, that is provided as a function. The function returns true (pass) or false (does not pass). And the find() method returns value of the element that passes the test.

Let’s take a look at the following example. Here we have an array of numbers and we would like to find the first even number in the array.

In this example the find() method returns 4, because it is the first element that passes the test (the function returns true). In the array the number 6 also passes the test, but the find() method returns only the first value found and does not check the remaining values.

If no element passes the test the find() method returns undefined.

find() method has the following syntax:

currentValue – the value of the current element

index – the array index of the current element

arr – the array itself

Last two parameters (index and arr) are optional.

The find() method does not change the original array.


The filter() method works similar to the find() method, but returns a new array filled with all values, that pass a test.

Let’s take the array of numbers from the previous example and find all even numbers in it.

The filter() method created a new array that we store in evenNumbers variable.

If no element passes the test the filter() method returns an empty array.

The filter() method has the following syntax:

currentValue – the value of the current element

index – the array index of the current element

arr – the array itself

Last two parameters (index and arr) are optional.

The filter() method does not change the original array.

5. Every

The every() method checks if all the elements in the array pass a test, that is provided as a function. It returns a boolean value. If it finds at least one element where the function returns false the every() method returns false.

The every() method has the following syntax:

currentValue – the value of the current element

index – the array index of the current element

arr – the array itself

Last two parameters (index and arr) are optional.

The every() method does not change the original array.

6. Some

The some() method checks if any of the elements in an array pass a test, that is provided as a function. It returns a boolean value.  If it finds at least one element where the function returns true the some() method returns true.

The some() method has the following syntax:

currentValue – the value of the current element

index – the array index of the current element

arr – the array itself

Last two parameters (index and arr) are optional.

The some() method does not change the original array.


The sort() method sorts the elements of an array. By default, the sort() method sorts the values as strings in alphabetical and ascending order. This works perfectly for strings but it does not work for numeric values.

As you see the default behaviour is not the best choice for sorting an array by numeric value. In this case you need to provide a “compare function”.

Ascending order:

Descending order:

Sorting array of objects:

If you would like to sort objects by string value you can use something like this:

Or simply use string method localeCompare() that does the comparison for you:

The sort() method has the following syntax:

compareFunction – a function that defines an alternative sort order. The function should return a negative, zero, or positive value. This parameter is optional.

The sort() method changes the original array.